Friday, November 14, 2014

A New Morning Routine + My Reading List

Not too long ago I read this post by Nancy Ray. She talks about how she starts her day by quieting her heart, spending time with the Lord and simply enjoying peace before jumping in head on to her day.

Like Nancy, I too can become easily overwhelmed and stressed, but stress and anxiety are not how I want my life to be defined. In an effort to change this pattern I decided a couple of months ago to give this new morning routine a try. I am so glad I did. It may sound crazy but it is really something I look forward to now every morning. While I still enjoy sleeping in occasionally on the weekends, there is something so peaceful about a quiet home, a warm cup of coffee, a cozy blanket, the Bible and a good book.

I have always loved reading, but was simply never able to make time during the day to sit down and enjoy a good book. However, with this new routine, I've given myself time to first and foremost spend time in the Word, whether it's simply reading a book or passage, or doing work for one of the two Bible studies I'm participating in. After that I get out my journal and write out at least three things I'm thankful for. This really helps bring perspective to my life and reminds me just how blessed I am. I think we often forget that and it's such a great way to look back and really thank God for what he has done and given us.

Lastly, I spend 10-20 minutes reading whatever book I'm in at the time. While I love fiction books, I decided recently to spend more time reading books that will help me grow and learn. So I've been reading more books on business, finance, spiritual and physical growth. I love that I feel like I'm learning so much!

Here are the books I've read over the past 2 months:

EntreLeadership - Dave Ramsey

Women of the Word - Jen Wilkin

The Meaning of Marriage - Tim Keller

Love Does - Bob Goff

Good to Great - Jim Collins

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