Wednesday, April 25, 2012

CrossFit ABQ's Newest Members

{Image Credit: ABQ CrossFit}

Yes, we did it! We finally took a leap of faith and left our old gym and officially became members of ABQ CrossFit. It has meant some major adjustments to our schedules and lives but has also allowed us to free up our evenings so we can have more time together, cook delicious meals and make spend more time in God's Word and with our church community.

We now wake up at 5 a.m. and start our WOD (workout of the day) at 6 a.m. sharp. This also means I now have to get dressed for work at the gym. Seeing as I have client meetings almost daily and really enjoy doing my make up and hair, this has been the biggest challenge for me. I'm still figuring out how to manage my mornings, get dressed at the gym and still fit in a protein based breakfast, but I know in a matter of a week or so I'll settle in to a more streamlined schedule.

CrossFit is challenging and hard, but the results both physically and mentally are so worth it. Each morning I walk into CF not knowing what to expect. I know it will be tough and I know I'll have to fight the urge to give up, but I know that taking care of the body the Lord has given me is so much more important. I know I am gaining so much more than physical strength from it and thats what keeps me going.

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