This Tuesday I'm taking a bit of a break from the Tuesday {In the Kitchen} posts to talk about the reason I've been absent from blogging. I realized a few weeks ago I was truly struggling with something I think most people struggle with and that is not being perfectly content with who you are and what you have. I realized more and more that I was coveting what every other blogger seems to have and was focusing on what I didn't have rather than focusing on the important things - what I do have and what a good life God has given me.
It was a hard realization to come to but one that I'm so glad to be working through. It's so easy for us to compare ourselves to one another, to bloggers, to co-workers and celebrities, but the truth is none of us is exactly alike, nor can we be exactly alike. It's not how we were wired. We all have a different gifts, talents, likes/dislikes, bodies, and strengths.
Last week I decided to take a week long break away from reading blogs. I know, that sounds crazy for me! But I knew my heart needed it. I had become too obsessed with figuring out how I could have the lives that tons of other bloggers seem to have, but I soon realized I wasn't just wishing, I was infatuated, obsessed, to the point where I spent most of the day consumed with wanting to have and be everything everyone else seemed to be, that is, everything but me.
But the truth is I was not trusting what God had for me, nor was I seeing myself as He sees me; a beautiful daughter of the King. I mean seriously what was I thinking, it doesn't get much better than that! My thoughts should be consumed by that truth, not the lies the world feeds me about not looking or being good enough or having a perfect blog with a million followers.
I'm meant to be just who God made me, and I'm determined now more than ever to be just that, nothing more and nothing less.