Thursday, June 28, 2012


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Happy Thursday all! It's almost the weekend just hang in there. This weekend I hope to get started on some new goals I wrote out for myself. I find that writing out tasks and goals can be much more realistic and motivating than simply imagining them. I recently realized that it has been quite some time since I actually sat down and set some real goals for myself and I finally decided to stop thinking about it and just do it! So today I sat down and put my pen to paper, or my journal and wrote out a few of the things I'd like to do in the coming weeks and months. The list is pretty short now but I'm sure I'll be adding to it as I think of things and as time progresses and other goals are accomplished.

Have Intentional Quiet Time. Mr. W and I used to do this just about every morning before work. It was a great way to sit back and read God's word before starting our day and often it made our days so much  better.

Keep a Prayer Journal. I used to do this in college. Being anxiety prone, I found that it was super helpful to write out my thoughts and prayers at night before going to bed. It was a way of getting the day off my mind before attempting to fall asleep. I'm not sure how or when I stopped doing this but I think it should be a part of my evening routine again.

Create a Weekly Cleaning Schedule. Sundays are currently my designated "cleaning" days. But lately, Sundays have been rolling around and I am simply exhausted. So after reading this blog post, I was inspired to do the same and create a schedule that we can use in our home to keep things in tip top shape. I have a hard time coming home after a long day of work to a messy apartment. To me a home should be a place of rest and solace, and by Tuesday ours is no longer that, instead it looks like a tornado struck, an obstacle course of gym and work bags begins to emerge, paper mountains begin to form on every surface, clothes begin to hang off of furniture, and the dog hair starts to collect just about everywhere including the kitchen (one of my biggest pet peeves, it's gross). Hopefully a new schedule will help us keep things looking clean and a little less chaotic.

Do a 30 in 30 Challenge. I have started seeing this challenge done by a number of bloggers, starting here, but also here, and here. I won't lie I'm pretty intimidated by the thought of this, but the point of the challenge is to pick 30 items in your wardrobe and create 30 days worth of outfits from them. I'd like to try to the challenge in an effort to make myself realize the potential of my wardrobe and think outside the box, or in this case inside the closet, before I think I need to go out and buy a new outfit. This leads me to my next goals.

Save $$ for a New DSLR Camera! I've been trying to save for a new camera for awhile, but it seems that every time I get a little money I end up spending it. So with the 30 in 30 challege, I hope to be able to save some of the money I'd typically spend on wardrobe items and put it towards the purchase of a new camera. And lets face it ya'll, my iPhone and point and shoot camera are not doing this blog any justice.

Sell Old Clothes at a Local Consignment. I've been looking around for a good consignment store to sell my old clothes at and fortunately we have a few great ones in town. Now I just need to find the motivation to dry clean my clothes and take them in to the stores. Again, I hope I can use the money to either purchase a few new items for this coming fall/winter, yes, I'm thinking that far ahead, or to put towards the camera.

Organize Electronics Drawer. We have a buffet or dresser in our dining area that stores a number of things, including one drawer for our electronics, and more specifically the cords. I've been meaning to organize it for awhile but I just don't seem to make the time to do it. But, last week was pretty much my last straw when the night before our vacation I was panicking, yes, freaking out, because I couldn't locate the cord to my Kindle. I was rummaging through the hundreds of chargers we have in the drawer but none of them were the right one. So lets just say I'm now determined to make sure that drawer gets a little attention.

Physical Goals - to come soon. Don't worry I promise I haven't forgotten. There will be a number of physical and health goals. I'll post those soon.

Well folks, that's about all I've got thus far. Updates to follow, wish me luck!

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