Can you believe it is already September? Seriously, where did the summer go? Well I don't know about you but here in Houston, I am welcoming fall with open arms, as long as it brings in some cooler air! While it was a bit late this summer, the heat and humidity finally reared it's head and if you aren't indoors in the blasting arctic AC then you should be in a pool.
August, was busy as usual, but I'm so thrilled that I've started focusing on monthly goals because it's keeping me on track to really focusing on things that matter most to me. While I wasn't able to finish a lot of my August goals, I can say, I am well on my way and I am excited for September. Not only do I love the fall, but this new months gives me a new opportunity to finish up Augusts goals and begin new ones! It's not about perfection people, it's about making strides that will help us focus on working towards a life filled with the things that are important to us.
I also want to start sharing things I'm thankful for from the previous months. So here is what happened in August:
- goal setting with the hubby (we both post our goals on the fridge and intentionally share them with one another to help encourage one another)
- a surprise weekend getaway with the Mr. to Austin
- taking more photos - I LOVE taking photos, I've been hauling my camera everywhere and I've been learning so much
- planning upcoming trips/holidays
Those are just a few of the things standing out to me right now, I know there is so much more I could share.
Now for a recap of last months goals and some revised goals for this month. Last month I realized I needed to break out some of my larger goals, like my guest room/office overhaul, into smaller goals to make them feel a bit more attainable so this month I'll be focusing on working towards each of those smaller goals.
August Recap/September Goals
- finish reading "Wheat Belly"
- read "Women of the Word" by Jen Wilkin and "Smart Money Smart Kids" by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze- finish pantry overhaul and reorganization
- guest room/office overhaul
- create an inspiration board
- save for and purchase bedding
- save for an purchase accessories
- continue working out 5 days per week: including weight lifting, one class, yoga and running
- make 80% of meals at home