Thursday, February 27, 2014

Contentment Challenge Update

(Source: Lara Casey)

I apologize for being a bit absent this week. I started a new job last Friday and have been training non-stop. So far I am absolutely loving it! I have never been more excited about something like this and I can't wait to share more details! That being said, I'm still planning to devote plenty of time to this little part of the web that I call my own. I have some pretty exciting things (including an awesome guest post on workouts and programming from my hubby) in the works so be sure to stay tuned!!

In the meantime I thought I'd do another weekly update on the Contentment Challenge I began three weeks ago. If you haven't heard about it be sure to check here for the first post and you can read last week's post here.

I was a bit hesitant that this week would be the hardest week of the Contentment Challenge, but I can honestly say it hasn't been too bad. As I mentioned before I started a new job last Friday and have been training all week so I haven't had much time to think about shopping or needing a lot of new things. And I have been surprisingly at peace. I seriously feel at this moment that things couldn't be better and I know it my heart I still have everything I could possibly need and more.

With my new job starting this week, I knew I was going to need to purchase a few pieces of clothing, but struggled a bit since I knew I wanted to continue sticking with the Challenge. My husband was super sweet and gifted me one outfit for my new job. He knew that I not only needed to wear the company's clothing at work but also wanted to give me a little something celebratory for the new position that I've been so excited about it. So we went to the Galleria last weekend and I chose three basic pieces that I can wear together or paired with a number of different outfits. Nothing fancy, just the basics. I am beyond blessed that he continues to support the challenge and my career goals!

While this week hasn't been too difficult. I still feel that I am continuing to learn so much about myself and God and I wanted to share a few things that have really been on my heart. So below I've highlighted just a couple things I've learned so far.

The first thing I've learned is exactly what I've written before, I have more than I need. when I look around at our apartment I'm still trying to sort through all of our stuff and simplify. I don't want to be a person that lives with excess stuff or worse feel the need to hoard. In the end it's not the amount of stuff I have that matters. What matters is that I have God, my family and friends. And even if I didn't have family or friends, friends, God would simply be enough. This is something I constantly have to remind myself. Nothing I have is earned, it's gifted to me from God and it's ultimately all His. At any moment it can be taken away. Would I be sad? Yes, but would I still have life and purpose, through Christ, absolutely!

I've also been focusing on gratitude. Over the last few weeks I've begun writing at least three things I am thankful for every morning. It's become a part of my morning routine. Sometimes it's easy to think of three things and sometimes I have more than three things to write down. But there are days when I feel like I have nothing to write. In those moments, when I dig deep, God reveals so much about who He is and what He has given me. It's a great way to set my heart on track when I'm feeling anything but grateful.

And the final area I've been focusing on is the future. Chris and I follow Dave Ramsey's budgeting methods and one thing we've decided as a couple is that we want to save aggressively for our family's future. Leaving a strong legacy for our family. By doing the Contentment Challenge now I can learn to be grateful for what I have and teach my family to do the same. In doing so we can save for things like family trips or vacations, college, and beyond; leaving a strong legacy for our family for generations to come. To me, that is far more important than needing the little mundane things like a necklace or new color nail polish right now. Thankfully God has blessed us abundantly and we can still afford to buy things for ourselves here and there as long as they are within our allotted budget. But it's incredibly freeing to know now that I can live without them. 

Thanks so much for following along and reading this terrible long post. Next week is the final week of my Contentment Challenge, be sure to check back as I share my final thoughts and how this Challenge has changed my heart moving forward.. I'm excited to see what God continues to reveal to me!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Contentment Challenge: Week 2 Update

I seriously can't believe we are already through week 2 of the Contentment Challenge (check the original post here if you haven't heard about the Contentment Challenge). When I started the challenge I thought I knew it was going to be hard, but I have been incredibly happy with how it is going. 

So far I'm right on track and couldn't be more thankful to God for the freedom I'm already experiencing. I have been focusing my heart on spending more time in the Word, organizing our home and working on this blog instead of draining my energy hoping, wishing and obsessing over the things I thought I needed. Turns out God has already provided me with everything I need and so much more

Image by Ryan Ray

I look forward to continuing the Challenge over the next two weeks and will be in prayer about whether I should extend the challenge for another month.

As I mentioned earlier, the freedom from needing things has been incredible. I am content to run errands only picking up what I need. I can walk in to Target and be okay totally avoiding the clothing, shoes and accessories (who knew it was possible). I also realize that I enjoy shopping for others more so than buying things for myself, which in and of itself feels like a blessing. I want work harder to focus more resources and energy on caring and loving others before myself. 

I also started a "thankful" journal that I write in each morning after my Bible study. This is something my mom encouraged me to do as a kid. I did it for awhile but it never lasted long term. Most recently my husband encouraged me to do it and I felt it was definitely something I needed. It seems a bit elementary to write down three things you are thankful for, but I know it is a good exercise. And over time it will be amazing to look back on all the big and small ways God has provided for me. It fits nicely in my morning routine and is a great way to start my day - thanking the Lord for everything He has already provided.

Has anyone else done the Contentment Challenge? 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Small Spaces: Creating More Pantry Space

Our old house had a huge pantry. It was great for storing not only our non-perishable foods but also other necessities including kitchen appliances, paper bags, plastic bags and recycling.

Now that we are in our new home, a cozy 869 square foot apartment, I am learning to be a bit more creative when it comes to utilizing every inch of our smaller space. Our current pantry is a tall but deep floor to ceiling cabinet. Since we have very little shelf space I knew I needed to use the door of the pantry to optimize the pantry space. 

So I began scouring the internet for an over the door cabinet, like this, but quickly realized the over the door hook would only fit a traditional door, not my thin pantry door. That's when I resorted to purchasing one of these to install on the inside of the cabinet, but the frame around the inside of my cabinet door didn't allow for the tiny screws to attach properly. Frustrated that nothing seemed to be working, I almost gave up.

That's when I stumbled across these lovlies on a random trip to Target. They are new Rubbermaid Stick and Store Baskets. And the best part, they stick to surfaces using Command Strips. No over the door hanger and no screws to create holes in our cabinet doors. Genious, I tell you!!

I scooped up two of them, took them home and gave them a good coat of fun colored spray paint (we can't have boring organization, that wouldn't make it nearly as beautiful or fun). And voila! Oh my heart, I love them!

The packaging said the baskets would hold about 3 lbs. each; however, I decided to remove the existing Command Strips and attached the heavy duty Velcro Command Strips instead to give it a little extra strength and I'll tell you there is a noticeable difference in the strength. I still won't be putting too much weight on them as I don't want to risk a jar of peanut butter or honey shattering and leaving an awful mess on our beautiful wood floors.

Aren't they just perfect?! 

Our family typically eats more fresh food than processed, so thankfully the pantry isn't quite as packed, but we still need to maximize every inch of space in our apartment. I'll be sharing another post on our fully organized pantry soon.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Currently Loving

Happy Tuesday ya'll! I've been working on a number of projects around the house so I'll be sharing those with you soon, I promise. I start my new job this week (super pumped about that) but that means I have been spending the majority of my time trying to get our new place organized. Once I start work I'd prefer our home to be simplified, organized and all together less hectic. So I have a lot going on around here. Photos and posts to come soon!

In the meantime I thought would share a few things I've really been loving lately.

Since moving to Houston we've been focusing on strength training and have only been going to our little gym here at our new place. It isn't much but has basic dumb bells and machines. Needless to say, I was pretty excited when we got to go check out gyms last night and ended up finding the perfect one! It is called Studio Fitness and it is pretty ah-mazing! 

It has a little bit of everything, basic equipment, classes, but it also has a section of the best strength equipment and even has a designated Crossfit area where we are still able to work on our olympic lifting, run sprints, rope climb, do pull ups, ring dips, wall balls, etc. I couldn't be more excited to be back in the gym! After two and half months off of Oly due to a sprained wrist I was so excited to get back in to some real lifting today!

The rest of the things I've listed are pretty random, but things I love nonetheless. And let's be serious what is a girl to do without her Starbucks? Okay, I've been getting better, I haven't been going everyday, but I do love it. :)

Image Sources: Image found on pinterest, by Dan Reshef (please let me know if you know the original source) / Starbucks / Dave Ramsey's EntreLeadership / Kendra Scott Elle Earrings / Pottery Barn Mason Jar Mug Set

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Sweet & Healthy Little Snack

I really do love eating clean, mostly for the way it makes my body feel, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't ever crave something sweet. In fact, usually it's bad, like I want ice cream, all the time!! While I was doing the Whole 30 program last year my hubby and I concocted this yummy goodness! While I don't remember if honey was a part of the list of "ok" foods, we still used it sparingly anyway.

I'm not sure what to call this deliciousness, but let me tell you it hit the spot. And I didn't feel quite as guilty eating it because it only contained paleo ingredients. The berries and honey add the perfect amount of sweetness.

This afternoon I found out we were out of my go-to afternoon snack, so I threw this together in about two minutes. Simply amazing!!!

Sweet Berry & Nut Medley


Handful of berries (your choice, I like raspberries, blueberries and we have even used frozen cranberries)
1/4 Mixed nuts (I like sliced almonds and chopped pecans)
Two pinches of shredded coconut

Mix ingredients together in a bowl. Drizzle a little honey over the top. Mix and enjoy!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Contentment Challenge

A few weeks ago I ran across Nancy Ray's blog. If you haven't read it, you should! She is such an incredible role model. She not only runs her own photography business, but she is also a strong believer, and she and her husband are die hard believers in Dave Ramsey's financial peace university plan (they must be after my husbands heart). 

While all of those things are phenomenal, perhaps what I found most intriguing about Nancy's blog is her heart. This lady has a gift in sharing her challenges in this crazy world and the wisdom and strength God has given her to perceiver through it.

Most recently I stumbled across her Contentment Challenge. And let me tell you, God immediately placed it on my heart that this was something I too, needed to consider.

You see, I've been struggling lately. And I mean really deep down to the core kind of struggling. I have this little voice in my head and heart that tells me I deserve whatever I want, whenever I want it. I see what others around me have and while I know in my soul that it's not right to covet, I do. My identity can often get caught up in what the world wants for me, rather than what the Lord wants for me. Ultimately, I want to feel free from the need to have material possessions in order to make myself feel like I am important, or worse, trying to be someone I'm not.

So today, I've decided to participate in the Contentment Challenge. Our recent move has had me wanting to refocus my life on what's important. I've wanted to clean out and start fresh. I realize I don't need anything else, in fact, I already have a lot, well...I actually have too much! (think moving a house into an apartment). So I think this is the perfect time of year to take a break from frivolously shopping for myself. 

I have done a lot of thinking and praying about the challenge and have a lot of very exciting opportunities and goals for the coming months. So naturally I'm hoping that having this extra free time from shopping will help me really work towards those goals. Below are a few things I'd really like to focus more energy on.

- Organizing our new home

- Spending more time with the Lord

- Reading more books

- Finding a job

- Saving more money

If you're interested, you can read more in Nancy's post here about her heart leading up to the Contentment Challenge and her post here for the guidelines she felt were necessary. As Nancy mentions, we should keep in mind that these aren't hard and fast rules, they are guidelines. The goal isn't to be legalistic. If there are real needs be all means we should take care of them, I'm planning ahead for a few things I know will come up and I'll still be working on small projects around the new place. What this doesn't mean; however, is that I need that cute top I just happened to find while I was aimlessly perusing the aisles of Target (believe me, I do it, something about that store seems to suck me in, but no fear ladies, we can still love Target and not let it rule over us). I will still make necessary purchases for work purposes and upcoming projects, but I will doing my best to stay away from clothing, accessories and shoes!

Below is an outline of Nancy's Contentment Challenge that I've adapted a bit.

The Contentment Challenge 
We will give up shopping for clothes, accessories, shoes, and "stuff" , to focus our hearts and minds on the root of true contentment. We will actively pursue fulfilling activities that will replace our addiction to material things.
The Guidelines:
• For the next 10 days, your homework is the following: prepare your heart, organize your closet, and make any necessary purchases that you might need during these months. - I will be working on re-organizing my closet and remixing outfits using existing items in my wardrobe. I know I will most likely need to purchase a few items for an upcoming job, but since I don't know about it for sure yet, I'll continue the challenge then pray about it and then set a limit on what I can or cannot purchase as that time approaches.
• Choose 1-3 inspiring books to read during this time. - I will be purchasing Jesus Calling, 1000 gifts and Kisses from Katie. I have an on-going list of a few other books I'd like to read as well, so I'll set some money aside for those if I find that I'm quickly making my way through books. However, I won't purchase them brand new, I'll try to borrow or buy them on super sale from Half Price Books or Amazon.

• Gifts are okay! - I love giving gifts. In fact it makes my heart feel so full to give gifts to others, more so than buying gifts for myself. I will continue to be generous and give gifts to others. And if I am gifted something, I will graciously receive it.
• Necessities are okay! If you drop and break your phone, please go get a new one! If you lose your glasses, buy a new pair. Just don't start justifying new purchases for items that you already have. ("I really NEED this bathing suit, even though there are 8 in my closet already.")
• You must actively pursue something - anything - that replaces your tendency to buy stuff. Begin thinking about something you love or a hobby you've always wanted to do, and make preparations to actually do it. - you can see my goals for this listed above.

Here is the bottom line, in the words of Nancy (because I couldn't have said it better myself): "Here's the thing: People have done crazier things! They have given up much more of their lives and possessions for the Kingdom of God. I am called to live a life marked of love, contentment, and self-discipline for that matter, and we all have a choice: to stay comfortable, where we are, or to pursue a life worth living."

I haven't set a hard and fast deadline for the Contentment Challenge yet. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Nancy set her challenge for three months, but it has been on my heart to do a month for sure and pray about whether I should consider doing a total of two or three months. I will do my best to post updates on here periodically though.


There is already a hashtag for the #contentmentchallenge, so be sure to check it out. I'll also be joining in, sharing victories and challenges I face along the way.

(Image Credits: 1 )

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Our First Home

While I am loving being back in Texas, I have to say I absolutely miss our home. It was the first home the Mr. and I have ever owned and while it wasn't perfect, it was perfect for us. That being said, I thought I would share the story and some photos of our first place.

I should have shared these a long time ago, but hey, better late than never, right?!

We found this gem in a new neighborhood in southeast Albuquerque.  If you are in the area and in the market for a new home be sure to check it out. It is a fast-growing, but uber cute little part of town and  it only took us 10 minutes to get to and from work. We also experienced what I think were the best mountain views in Albuquerque and the most spectacular sunsets, if you follow me on instagram you know what I mean.

As we were looking at floor plans and available lots, we happened to run across this beauty that had just been put on the market. It was a custom home and that was nearly done being built. Apparently the original contract had fallen through so we found it at a pretty good price. We knew when we looked at it, it was the home for us. It had what we were looking for, 3 bedrooms, a large kitchen, and a large, open living space.

We went home that night, discussed it, looked at photos and floor plans and prayed about it over a weekend. Finally, Monday morning rolled around and we were ready to put in our offer.

We made a few change requests in our offer since the home wasn't one hundred percent complete. In the end the builder agreed to all of them. They removed the carpet downstairs and laid tile throughout the entire first floor and installed white wood blinds throughout the home. And finally, they changed the ceiling, trim and interior door colors.

Did you know that the standard now is to paint the entire inside of a new home one color? Seriously? The doors, walls, ceilings and trim all matched! Big no no in my book. I didn't want to live in a cave. 

As I mentioned before, it wasn't perfect, but I was beyond blessed to move in to a brand spankin' new home! And it was gorgeous!

The fun part came once we got all moved in! I loved decorating, furnishing and organizing our new home. It is literally what I lived for. I couldn't wait for the evenings and weekends so I could shop, organize and decorate. It seriously just lit my heart on fire!

While we are no longer there, I still love looking back at our first home. We were only there a short time, but I left with so many memories. From family visitors, to Saturday morning walks, and breakfast at Rose's followed by trips to the dog park. We shared nights with some amazing neighbors and afternoons at the pool. We opened our home to our community group at church where we did our best to live out the Gospel in our community each and every day. We celebrated holidays, birthdays and quiet evenings with delicious food and good wine. 

As you can see I'm incredibly thankful for our home. And while I wanted to share my adventure in decorating this home months ago, I figure it's never too late and it gives me motivation to begin sharing more of my adventures with you.


All of the images above were taken by Jim Gross of Virtual Tour Club. He was amazing to work with and took excellent photos of our home!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Things

Well the last few weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least. My sweet hubby and I found out the week before Thanksgiving that we were going to be transferring from Albuquerque, NM to Houston, TX. It was bittersweet. We had only been in our home for about a year and we had met some truly amazing friends in Albuquerque. But we couldn't be more excited to be back in Texas and much closer to family.

So, as you can image, the last few weeks have been hectic between the holidays, work, packing and moving 15 hours away--we've had our plate full. I'll share some of our moving tips in the coming weeks.

Now we are officially settled in to our new home and I'm excited for the new opportunities God has been presenting us with. A new apartment to organize (who knew it would be so hard to downsize from a house to an apartment), new friends to meet, churches to attend and even some exciting new business opportunities, more on that to come soon, but I'm so excited I can hardly contain it!!!

Okay, now to the fun stuff. Since it's a new year and a new season in our lives, I thought I would share a few of my favorite things as of late. I don't own all of them, but it doesn't mean a girl can't save her pennies or dream, right?!


1 - This is my second IHeartOrganizing planner and I am in LOVE with it. I can take a look at my week at a glance, create my to-do lists, write out goals and notes and even keep our weekly meal plan all in one easy-to-see place. I also use Jen's meal planning and grocery planning printable to help me plan our family's weekly meals and put together my grocery shopping list each weekend. If you have not checked out her blog, you should! I get some many ideas from her! I only hope that one day I can continue to be as organized as she is with a house full of littles!

2 - Paper Straws, umm, they make drinking water feel fancy! And who doesn't love a cute colorful straw to accompany their drinks? I don't know about you but I just adore them! You can find them in a wide variety of colors and patters on Etsy, in your local party stores, or my personal favorite place, Target!

3 - These monogrammed hand towels from West Elm are perfect! That bold strip and fringe, perfection! I may need these for our kitchen.

4 - Okay, I have to give kuddos to my sister for this one. She introduced me to this candle from Anthropologie. I bought the smaller version for my bedroom just to try it, now I know we need the bigger one. But I'm gonna have to get over the sticker shock of $28 first...yikes, but that smell is too die for.

5 - I ran across these Emma snack bowls at Pottery Barn the other day and while I believe they will only be around for Spring, I may have to go pick a few up. That color is perfection and the dot detail is too cute.

6 - Bath and Body Works has the best kitchen soaps. Awesome fragrances and perfect pops of color for your kitchen!
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